Two weeks left.

Ten business days left of my final fieldwork. Nine months of fieldwork about to be over.

Lots to do in that time period.

I've once again gotten my email down to under 50 e-mails, and only about six of them are from January…so I'm doing better to not be more than about six weeks behind, LOL. I won't think about the 62+ inbox messages on Facebook.

Twenty groups to go……way better than the 120 I started out with.

Life's about to change pretty drastically, in two weeks. Will be travelling a lot in April/May, hunting for a job, but really looking for a new place to move to. I'm pretty sure – 99% sure – Memphis is out of the question, it's time for a change. Certain places in Tennessee, North Carolina, and California are in my radar, although I've gotten some good job advice (which I'll share soon) that is making me thing about a few other options. Who knows.


Mar 16, 2009 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1