Today I did an eval, a CPT, 2 showers, and groups with 8-10 people in them at any time, including one lady coming in and out causing trouble. Got 26 units….
Group was actually….almost but not quite….fun….the first one was a Social Bingo game and my favorite is when they get a square that requires giving a compliment to someone on one side of them….
The next group was on relaxation….each of them talked briefly on if they relaxed or not easily, and how they currently tried to relax….some ideas better than others, lol. We did one quick guided meditation, some chair yoga, and listened to an native american flute CD with eyes closed/lights dimmed (Canyon Trilogy by R. Carlos Nakai I think)….it was kind of a quick “imagine the possibilities” on relaxation….most of them were pleased with idea of listening to CD. Afterwards we discussed the visualizations, etc, and what each person would consider trying as new form of relaxation. People seemed to enjoy the group, especially the music, and overall it was pretty fun.
I think tomorrow we're going to do one problem-solving group…and hmmm…
Short entry tonight. No very intriguing people today.