Updated my sidebar with new (to me) OT blogs
- Linda at http://www.lindasdailylivingskills.com has some really thorough and insightful blog posts on OT!
Dani, who says “Oh, add mine, add mine! I'm an OT student in the UK in my second year. It's not entirely about OT, but about my life learning in general.” http://www.munchkinandflan.com
Tink who is about to become an OT student, http://tink343-unistudentlife.blogspot.com/
- Mendel, with a really thought-provoking site at http://kidsatthought.com/
Don't forget to check out TherapyFunZone http://www.therapyfunzone.com/ which has great stuff (I saw she very recently posted some new ideas!) and I am also loving OT in Public Schools http://otinpublicschools.blogspot.com/
I recommend using Google Reader or some other RSS reader so that you know when new posts come in, all in one spot, rather than having to go check each blog individually. I love Google Reader. 🙂
Apr 13, 2011 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2