Views on OT students from person using OT services
I introduced Keith to you a while back, he is the one with arthrygryphosis (sp?) I’m too lazy to check right this second, or link the post, but maybe soon when I have a burst of OT blog inspiration. We’ve been exchanging e-mails and he gave me permission to share this tidbit. I’m glad he thinks favorably of us OT Students! Good thing for someone who works in a Center for Independent Living to think!
You asked about my impression of my OT student attendants and how much help I need. They’ve been great with me over the years; very dedicated, timely, and willing to perform various tasks. All have been females except one substitute. Typically, one will start with me in their sophomore or junior year. They’ll help me until they have a clinical, then they help find a replacement, which is a big stress reliever and saves a lot of time. They help me with lunch. If I have a sandwich or finger food, I can pick it up. If it’s a salad or something using utensils, they feed me.
After lunch, they straighten my desk, help me at the copier, or with other tasks. Finally, they help me in the bathroom. I stay in my chair and use a urinal, but can’t do any of that process myself. I hope that’s not too much information! Just wanted to share what an important job they have. I would not be able to work full time without them. Oh yeah, and they’re very organized. their calendars are color coded according to class, activity, etc. I even get my own color! Must be an OT thing.
Non-university attendants help me at home by getting me out of bed, doing ADLs, dinner, and putting me to bed, although my lunch people have filled in mornings.I type with a mouthstick. I used to use DragonDictate voice recognition software, but found I can write just as quickly with the stick. The only problem is my neck gets tired after a while, like now, so I better go.