I just spent a ridiculously long time looking through an awesome catalog you can find at www.integrationscatalog.com….it is filled with “Sensory, Learning, & Behavior Solutions” and it is ridiculously cool, I want something from like every page. MOST of their prices seem reasonable, too.
I dog-eared some pages with things I either want, or things I think I can make my own version of, or things that gave me ideas….seeing as how I'm a poor student. 🙂
I think I want to stop by a Lowe's …..get some PVC pipe….and a dry-erase board…to make a cool table….
Using paper plates to cut with instead of normal paper….
Using colored Popsicle sticks as spacers in writing…
Putting 4-10 colored disks on a vertical surface….and have child copy out pattern on horizontal surface on desk….etc…oh my gosh my mind is BUZZING with ideas, it HURTS
Aug 10, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none