7 Dec 2008

attention attention

I plan to update at least some TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

4 Dec 2008


I said I'd blog today post in-service, but I'm sick and so I'm not feeling up for it.


SOON. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1

2 Dec 2008

I'm not dead….(says the monty python parrot)

I am not dead. It’s just been Thanksgiving holiday time and I’ve been busy in the real world, GASP!

I have sooo many stories to share! I have an inservice to give on Wednesday on cognitive assessments, I need to focus on that Tuesday, but hopefully Weds night I’ll post some phys dys stories!!

Sorry for the lack of contact! Don’t forget to go play on OT Connections!!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

25 Nov 2008



It's the new social networking site put together by AOTA! It's open to the public, although if you are an AOTA member, you can use your existing login! It took me a few days to explore but I'm very impressed, and it already has quite a few people signed up! It has message boards, blogs, galleries, groups, and more, all for OT-related things. I just finished reading a post by Molly, one of the editors of OT Practice, entitled “Houston, We Have No Problem”, which made me laugh, regarding the upcoming AOTA conference. Seems like it will be a great site to keep on top of OT life, and I highly recommend anybody that is interested in OT, go join and check it out! 🙂

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1

25 Nov 2008

La la la la

ok…I'm down to fourteen OT-related mails and I've only got a few left from October. That leaves a bunch of blogging + a ton of Facebooking left to do plus of course the last fourteen, but still…doing way better.

Today was a quiet day at work which is good since I didn't get a lot of sleep. I have quite a few “poo” stories to share from colostomy bags to fecal tubes, plus dealing with mental illness, stuff like that. But most importantly I want to talk about OTCONNECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Dum dum DUMMMMMMMMmm

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

25 Nov 2008



AWESOME reasons to go into OT, beyond all the cool “helping people” part of it….recession-proof, best-paying, fastest-growing jobs….

This news release went out a while ago, I'm a little slow, but hey, the information is TIMELESS! OT is not hurting the way many other fields are right now in this economic downturn!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

25 Nov 2008

funeral home

During an evaluation with an older lady who had a hip fracture:

Me: So ma'am, when you leave the hospital, where do you want to go next?

Her:Well a funeral home I imagine ::laughs::

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

25 Nov 2008



This is a very very brief/easy survey just asking about use of Neuro-IFRAH in your setting. My OT classmate Allison will be doing an in-service on it. Please take a minute to fill it out!

Thank you!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

21 Nov 2008

End of week 8

OTCONNECTIONS……….post coming soon

Post also coming on day at rehab hospital.

For now, sleep.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

19 Nov 2008

Stick a fork in this blog, it's done for the night

K…38 emails related to OT to deal with still, but am slowly catching up!! Of course I need to catch up on reading OT blogs too, and all my OT Practice and AJOTs too! I'm behind on LIFE, OT and otherwise!!! Right now I'm reading the book Suite Francaise and I watched two episodes of Desperate Housewives tonight so when I say I'm behind on life it's pretty self-inflicted, but come on, ya gotta have your leisure (which in my opinion means doing stuff that has absolutely no productive value) to have your balance of occupations….

It's almost 1am so I guess I'm going to go to sleep now. Tomorrow should be a relatively normal and slowish day – a few knee patients, a few deconditioned and stroke patients, a co-tx or two….let's see how it goes! I'm going to try and go to the gym afterwards too since I slacked off big time today.

Thursday I will be taking a fieldtrip to the next-door inpt rehab hospital and spending the entire day there 🙂 Should be cool to see how pts I remember from acute care, are doing, now that they are improving in a rehab hospital!

The grammar in this entire post is atrocious. I apologize. Well not really. Kinda.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none