warning:blog blizzard ahead
I've gotten my Gmail down to under 50, and like 30 of them are OT-blog related…so…brace yourselves.
In other news, I have a sinus infection, boo, but I am back in Nashville safe and sound, and I'm gearing up to start fieldwork.
My last day in San Diego
My last day in San Diego. I leave early Monday morning. Kristina and her boyfriend Omar left Saturday night and so did my grandfather Nacho and Bibiana. Today is the first day I feel semi-normal as I've been sick the entire time I've been here. I'm not 100% but I'm way better than I was. Omar was convinced I was a zombie, haha, it's funny because it's true. Mmm brains.
It's a very pretty day and Mom and I are planning out the day. It probably involves going to the beach at low tide around 4pm, plus hanging out with Daddio aka Father Dearest as I like to call him, seeing Grandma+ fam one last time, and possibly some Christmas shopping. And of course packing. Which will be hard because I have to figure out how to put a special brownie pan (it only does edge pieces), a stability ball (not inflated, I'm not THAT stupid), a picture frame, and a bunch of other stuff, into my little bags!! Wish me luck.
I took over 600 pictures while I was here…most of them are bad, but I'll be putting up a few soon. 🙂 We saw a double rainbow in our back yard!!
I start my final Level II occupational therapy fieldwork – my last 3 months out of 9 – at a psychosocial placement in middle Tennessee, on January 5th. Gotta start reviewing the ACLS v2, Mini Mental Status Exam, CPT, common geriatric issues, etc…
By the way, my cousin is now a nurse in a transitional care unit – TCU – at UCSF hospital and she said “I love the OTs because when I go in my patients rooms they are sitting up with freshly brushed teeth and hair and it's great!”
Yesterday with help from some friends, I transferred to Nashville, to stay with some other friends, for my next rotation. All foresaid friends are sweet and kind and generous. I came this early because I typically fly out of Nashville to San Diego (where my family is) for Christmas. So this way me and my beloved Lester the Lion Kitty could have some extra time to get used to the transition.
I adore my friends that I'm staying with and so far my cat seems to be ok, but I woke up pretty stressed out. A lot to do, not a lot of energy or motivation.I'm about to check in for the flight – its about 24 hours in advance – and today I need to fix up my new room some more and pack for San Diego, and um, I still haven't gotten presents for like, anyone. And I have a hard time with changes in routine, even if everything's okay.
It's really adorable watching Lester try to make kitty friends. He is very socially awkward. He doesn't give pesonal space, he just runs up to new kitty like OMG LOVE ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU ALREADY….hmm sounds like his mommy. Anyway, Roger the cat isn't up for that, so now Lester is trying to talk to him using his special grunts instead of typical meows, and Roger is like WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU! YOU ALIEN CREATURE!
Quite intriguing. I hope it works out. Anyway. Send a few prayers my way to help me with being overwhelmed with all the upcoming changes in my life. And don't forget the awesome holiday gift of supporting a charity in honor or in memory of someone – that's what you get someone who has everything. A donation to St. Jude – hint hint – is always great. But sometimes you just have to adopt a monkey instead. That's okay too.
Modified Wilibarger for adults?
Have any of you all used a modified Wilibarger brush protocol on adults? I had a patient with Guillian Barre (sp) who was essentially paralyzed, on a vent, with a trache, etc. He had some slight movement but not much. Pretty much all his sensory input was painful, ie procedures being done on him. I did a modified Wilibarger brush protocol on him where I brushed his arms gently with the brush (woulda done his legs but he had a DVT) and also did some joint compression with him. He nodded that it felt good. It seemed like it had some therapeutic input – giving him some nice sensory input without pain. I wonder if there is any research on this though? Hmm
Bedsore Epidemic
Caregiver Role Strain
Help out a 2nd year MOT student with her research…pass on to applicable people too please!
Sometimes OT involves penises
Today I powdered the bottoms of multiple old people (rubbing the powder in with my gloved hands as they were on their sides) And my supervisor worked on “penis positioning” for a man who was forgetting to tuck his penis in before urinating in a sitting position.
And there is just so much more to share. Tomorrow is my last day. We had my goodbye lunch today at TACO BELL! Woot! It was fun. Me and six coworkers in speech/OT…
I'm going to go to bed now but check back soon for all sorts of lurid OT stories.Yeah baby.
“Recession-Proof Jobs” (JIST, 2008), U.S. News & World Report named occupational therapist to its “Best Careers 2009” list. This is the second consecutive year occupational therapy has received this honor.
This year, U.S. News & World Report scored hundreds of careers on five criteria:
Job outlook
Average job satisfaction
Difficulty of the required training
Report card? Median natural salary was $63,900….everything else was a B except for Job outlook which was an A, baby!!
Sarcasm finds medical use in dementia
See! I'm not inappropriate with my patients when it comes to my sarcasm, I'm just an early detector of dementia!!
Based on this criteria, I think my supervisor has dementia, since she never finds my jokes funny…so I'll blame it on dementia and not my own lack of wit…hhahahahahaha