2 Sep 2008

ooh a long day coming up on little sleep

Bad night…I got in bed by midnight but it was 3am before I was asleep…I was feeling bad …I finally took a hot bath at 230am, which Lester was not thrilled with at all, sprayed enough lavendar relaxation spray around my pillow to make me cough for about 10 minutes, etc…lol. So I got less than 5 hours sleep and I'm tired! And today is one of our ten hour days until 7pm! Boo!!

It's 8am…my eggs and cherries await me…I gotta run. So much to do!! Let's see if I can get out to my car without the dog covering my clothes with mud! I can hear him outside and he sounds hyper!!
Sorry I sound so complainy right now!!!! Later on I'll write about sunshine and lollipops.

Have a great day everyone 🙂

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1

2 Sep 2008


Trying to get up the energy or desire to type up the 4 evals, 1 POC since 3 of the kids didn't qualify for OT, plus a monthly note for a kid…we have SO much paperwork to do, that is a tiny drop in the hat…or bucket….or ocean…or whatever it is…..will I ever get a metaphor correct….no…..never have yet….

But if I don't do it tonight on my own time, it'll just hang over me stress-wise…ugh. Okay I'm motivated to do it knowing it will just be extra stress on me…plus the longer I wait to write up the eval, the more I forget…okay i'm pulling it out…ughhhhhh

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 Sep 2008

Fun day

Fun day so far. Had brunch with OT Brooke, OT Virginia, OT Kerri & husband Brent, friends Suzy & Arnie, at the Blue Plate Cafe….then went to mall with Virginia, then Brooke joined us, then Kerri & Brent showed up…lol. I got a plain black dress (a staple I was lacking) from Ann Taylor Loft, plus some lipstick…Virginia got some cute shirts. I know y’all were dying to know that…

Then I went to the pool with a good OT friend + her family (third time this weekend I’ve been to the pool!!) and next I’m headed to a cook-out at another OT’s house. I live in an OT world, yo. I better not stay out too long though, I gotta remember I have all those damn evals to write up!! Boo!!!

I quickly checked up on Gustav and I have a bone to pick from an article I just read:

“Gustav doesn’t have no punch,” pool builder Randall Dreher said, head bowed into the gale. “I went through Katrina and this is totally different. It’s weak.”

I think this is a misquote. You either say “doesn’t have any punch” or “don’t have no punch”. You’d hear the latter, at least around here…maybe people in Louisiana speak half-correctly. Dunno, says Miss Hypocritical Me 🙂

I’m gonna spend a few quality-moments with Lester before heading out to Olive Branch 🙂 Hope everyone is having a fun holiday

Tomorrow I start Week 10 of 12……I better start working on my student project 🙁 A brochure on autism…..but I have sooooooo many other work-related projects going on…aughhhh..I can see some late nights in my future.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 Sep 2008

One last thing

I visited friend Lisa Jo who has a six year old with a doll-house and LOTS of random toys…I picked up some tongs and realized when squeezed together they caused a red light to glow…apparently they are made for like gummi worms…you pick them up with the tongs and it makes the worms glow….bizarre…but I was like oooh awesome (since we use tongs a lot with our clinic kids) and they were like you can have it. So I have a mini set of tongs with a red glowy light….I think it would be fun period but maybe if I feel extra generous I'll buy some cheap gas station candy worms and then we can have a GLOW WORM FEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 20

1 Sep 2008

Labor Dayyy

Have spent weekend with friends who came in from out of town for Labor Day. They are staying at a hotel in Southaven, Mississippi. A ton of Louisiana evacuees are there as well now. My friends leave in morning, after we go to brunch with a bunch of friends. We've been swimming several times. By tomorrow afternoon/evening I will have gotten to see my landlords Jim and Linda, Mike, Christa, Sarah, a brief visit with her parents, Lisa Jo (“so pretty and so nice”) + her kids, Suzy, Arnie, Brooke, Kerri, Brent, Virginia, and a few others. 🙂 I was also just invited to my OT supervisor's house for a cook-out tomorrow evening which is sooo sweet but I already have plans so probably can't make it at all, we'll see.

And my COTA + a girl I did the plane crash simulation drill with, both invited me out last-minute Saturday night…the COTA to Beale Street with her friends, the plane crash girl to see if I would be helping with New Orleans paperwork of evacuees…but it was too late-minute because of my out of town friends. So a popular weekend!!!

Lester was quite popular as well….today I accosted a Petco employee to help me find some brothy wet food (he has so much trouble eating, licking the juices works best for him), plus a toothbrush, plus some dental treats etc…lol. With every sentence of explanation of my psycho cat her mouth dropped a little wider. AHAHAHAAHA. I'm trying to get his new laser toy to work as we speak.

I do still need to write up a few things, I'm feeling kinda too tired right now but we'll see.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none