Pinterest steal – green tinsel that looks like heart rate :)
I saw this on Pinterest and it cracked me up. Green tinsel that looks like heart rate in a hospital setting. Love it.
Clocks and Value in Cognition
Short version: Having a client draw you an analog clock (especially one pointing to a specific time) gives valuable insight into their current neurocognitive abilities with regards to problem-solving, sequencing, following directions, visual field, and more.
Longer version:
Check out this clock. It was done by an adult artist with developmental delays. I saw it in an airport exhibit. Very cool and thought provoking. I learned during my fieldwork/internship days in the locked geriatric psychiatric ward and rehab hospitals that one of the fastest ways to get a handle on an adult’s level of cognitive functioning is to ask them to draw you a clock. Sure, all of us may mess up once or twice, but should get it right once we learn from a mistake or two. When the client ignore half the clock, or bunch all the numbers up and can’t figure out how to fix it on their next try, it’s important to realize there are possibly some neurocognitive deficits present, even if mild enough that they don’t present in a superficial conversation.
The best way I’ve seen to draw the clock is to add in 12, 3, 6, 9, and then go from there in filling in. I don’t feel this is as valid with younger generations (ie, aged 30ish or below) because we grew up with digital clocks more so than analog. I always wear a digital clock because while I can read analog clocks, it takes me an extra few seconds, especially if I’m stressed or pressured. I’m always fascinated watching people draw clocks, no matter what their level of functioning, to see their approach.
Fuzzy/Rough/Textured Nail Polish for Soothing Tactile Sensory-Seeking Behaviors
Check out all the fuzzy nail polishes hitting the market. They literally have a sand-like texture. I am a fan of the OPI sand, have not tried other brands. I know some non-texture people may hate it, but I think most texture people will love it. The sensory-seekers and tactile kids. It could almost serve as a fidget, in the way velcro under desks can be soothing. Would be cool if they made a more white sand version for guys!
This could work for both children and adults. Give it a try and let me know how it works for the people in your OT circles who are constantly touching things! Even if they end up peeling it off…if that’s calming to them, that works too.
New website up :)
I have quite literally HUNDREDS of possible posts and pictures. I’m going to figure out how to do the plugin so Twitter feeds on MissAwesomenessOT can be sent as posts, and the easiest way to upload images into WordPress. I’ve been on blogger for almost seven years, and my web designers prefer WordPress, so there is a learning curve for me. is officially live, and it needs a lot of work – I need to update some things like the "About Me" page, and add in some printables/activities/amazon recommendations, and more. Going directly to the blog, I think, is
I’m hoping the 27th is the blog day where I get a lot of this done. Tons of new content coming soon, I swear. Exciting. 🙂 Okay time for bed, I’m super old.
Happy Holidays everyone, What are your plans? How are you going to celebrate the New Years, both personally and professionally? 🙂
Love My New Website?
So happy that I moved over to wordpress!
Please join my facebook page and my email list for update.
Being seen – ICU
Sometimes people who are lonely, or feel ignored, or sad, talk about being "seen". They want to hear from someone "I see you." They want to hear they are being recognized, existing, real.
I thought about the ICU, Intensive Care Unit. This is where the sickest of the sickest are, the nurses and caregivers tending to them carefully day and night. "I see you." "I.C.U"….
My New Website Is Coming Soon!
Miss Awesomeness is having an overhaul and moving to wordpress. I am so excited to share my new website with you!
Life hack for OT: Key ring help
Occupational therapy life hack and nail saver. Use a stapler remover to hold your key ring open when adding thick new keys or onto thick ring.