23 Dec 2013

New website up :)

I have quite literally HUNDREDS of possible posts and pictures. I’m going to figure out how to do the plugin so Twitter feeds on MissAwesomenessOT can be sent as posts, and the easiest way to upload images into WordPress. I’ve been on blogger for almost seven years, and my web designers prefer WordPress, so there is a learning curve for me.

MissAwesomeness.com is officially live, and it needs a lot of work – I need to update some things like the "About Me" page, and add in some printables/activities/amazon recommendations, and more. Going directly to the blog, I think, is blog.missawesomeness.com.

I’m hoping the 27th is the blog day where I get a lot of this done. Tons of new content coming soon, I swear. Exciting. 🙂 Okay time for bed, I’m super old.

Happy Holidays everyone, What are your plans? How are you going to celebrate the New Years, both personally and professionally? 🙂

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

20 Dec 2013

Love My New Website?

So happy that I moved over to wordpress!

Please join my facebook page and my email list for update.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

17 Dec 2013

Being seen – ICU

Sometimes people who are lonely, or feel ignored, or sad, talk about being "seen". They want to hear from someone "I see you." They want to hear they are being recognized, existing, real.

I thought about the ICU, Intensive Care Unit. This is where the sickest of the sickest are, the nurses and caregivers tending to them carefully day and night. "I see you." "I.C.U"….

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none | Tags: , , ,

10 Dec 2013

My New Website Is Coming Soon!

Miss Awesomeness is having an overhaul and moving to wordpress. I am so excited to share my new website with you!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

2 Dec 2013

Life hack for OT: Key ring help

Occupational therapy life hack and nail saver. Use a stapler remover to hold your key ring open when adding thick new keys or onto thick ring.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1 | Tags:

2 Dec 2013

Verizon Wireless gives educators a discount on monthly plan


This is the link to Verizon Wireless’s employee discount page. Educators typically get a discount, I guess I can’t promise 100% but so far people have had good luck. You enter in your SCHOOL/WORK email address and it sends you an email where you confirm it and that’s about it. Very simple, saves you some money.
Certain other companies may get discounts too. And perhaps other carriers have this as well. Enjoy! 
Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

28 Nov 2013

I am thankful for ….

(I need to do one specifically for OT, maybe later tonight! Gotta go get ready to go to my aunt’s!!) HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
I am thankful for…my ability to be concise and the people who crack up laughing at that statement. For love, light, bliss, berries, serotonin, and glitter. Peacock feathers, classy emeralds, gaudy purples, darkly turquoised blues. Angels shooting stars, Grandma’s love and ice cream.
The platypus and pangolin, artichokes and armadillos. Sauteed mushrooms, slowly moving sloths and slithering snails. Roly polys, caterpillars, dogerpillars. Burrito babies, irridescence and feathers. Tinsel and trees. Resting and rolicking. Artistic license. Word invention. That my mother only threatens to kill me when in situations involving poor punctuation. Like now. Energy and healing. Heroes of all types. Sacred circles and hula hoop dance. The kindness of strangers, the kindness of acquaintances, friends, family, being loved and loving. Shampoo and unconditional love. Rocks and shells, minerals and gems.
Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

27 Nov 2013

Fwd: Expected Typing Speed (WPM) for Children, Common Core Standards

Hi all, 
Typing Speed Standards are PROBABLY 5 words per minute (WPM) x grade level, so a 4th grader should be at roughly 20 WPM.
I know this is not coming from a formal Common Core Standard page, and I didn’t research it enough to find an origin although I tried briefly. However, it sounds reasonable to me – 5 WPM per grade level. Thoughts?
Most relevant paragraph although page was great for many pieces of information: 
How fast should kids type?
As a general rule, keyboarding speeds should be measured as “5 words per minute (wpm) x grade level”.  Therefore, a student in fifth grade should have a goal of at least 25 words per minute and a sixth grade student should have a goal of 30 wpm.
Remember this is meant for general education, so if the children we work with in occupational therapy (OT) are not as fast,  that’s okay and we can work on it with many different approaches. Hoping I can write up typing teaching strategies soon! 
Also, sorry about that test taking strategies PDF. Need to shorten it and make it not explode when the site is opened. Soon! I’m at work right now. 

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2

24 Nov 2013

Retro Baby :)


An awesome book review of Retro Baby written by our very own OT blogger/awesome clinician/writer, Anne Zachry….can’t wait to get a copy soon. 🙂 I 100% agree with her…retro is the way to go, yo 😉

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

23 Nov 2013

Holding babies in NICU – video – OTs can work here too


I will come back to clarify more later, but this video has gone viral and it shows some of the NICU pieces…which is where i am headed right now, to go hold sick babies. 
OTs can work in NICUs too, although it’s advanced/skilled so nothing you can jump into. MORE LATER
Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none