OT sticker shedder :)
Recently I went to my first drag queen show at Lips in San Diego and while we were waiting for it to open (Sunday Gospel Brunch), I noticed a purple feather in a spiderweb near the front door. That made me laugh. That same day, I came home and noticed this little sticker (the red dot thing) stuck to a weed on our front pathway. I do tend to shed stickers as my rolly box is decorated with them thanks to my OT kiddos.
Update, it’s like three weeks later and that weed is still wearing the sticker. I wonder if it feels special? 🙂
Still sick. Been in bed since Thursday night and now it's Tuesday. Definitely going to work tomorrow as I have several meetings I can't miss. Feeling really insecure and low today! I was previously all like “Miss Awesomeness is going to take over the world!” and now I am like “Everybody else does everything better than me, why even bother”…boo. Maybe it's just an artifact of feeling sick! Things are being posted left and right to my blog I know, because I have them scheduled from being previously written, but I haven't actually written anything in a while (minus this post). One of these days I'll sit down and figure out how to fix this blog up to make it more feel like the very cool successful OT blogs out there. 🙂
"The blind can only see the heart and intelligence of a man…"
Also in a Smithsonian I believe. I know there’s a glare, but read that last paragraph if you can, about this man waking up blind in a hospital, but that the experience was “revealing” (interesting choice of word).
“The blind can only see the heart and intelligence of a man, and nothing in these things indicates in the slightest whether a man is white or black.”
Sometimes we pity people who have lost a sense because we take in so much through each of our senses. But sometimes they receive a gift through that loss. A “blessing in disguise”…a reminder that what matters is much more than skin-deep.
Keep that in mind when you meet people who you may be quick to write off due to appearance! Don’t let your eyes decide, process further. 🙂 We have many lessons to learn and often from the people we least expect.
*Hopefully the relevance to OT is obvious!!
IEP meetings, yep`
PS: If any grammar teachers want to slap me, I do realize that was an atrocious sentence….
I am my mother's daughter…
Lester the Lion Kitty, Love of my Life :)
lesterthelionkitty.blogspot.com 🙂
This is Lester the Lion Kitty. Feel free to type in Lester the lion kitty on youtube and see his amazingness live. I just posted a video of him “shaking” for a treat under the name Meemaw teaches Lester how to shake or something like that. My Youtube name is OTStudentKaren if that helps.
He’s my star attraction of the South. I just briefly visisted Birmingham, AL for the weekend and we made a quick stop in Montgomery, AL so I could see my baby. (He was originally mine when I lived there, but I gave him to my good friend’s mother when I left as it would be too challenging to get him cross country with all his braciocephalic aka flat face issues leading to respiratory distress).
I think I’m going to see about getting him some occupational therapy though. His fine motor skills are atrocious and so is his sequencing and problem solving. The mojito he made me was absolutely awful.
By the way, our big goal for the year is to get him into the 2014 Bad Cats calendar!!! So doable!! I’m always having to bail him out of jail….
Taking your shoes off or "Doffing" your shoes :)
This was such a cool, simple idea, also at a daycare in Norway…a way to easily take off your shoes. Basically the little ones could hold onto the blue rail while using the wood to help get their shoes off by sticking their heels in it. Kind of similar to a shoehorn, only more stable. Especially great when the floor was covered in wetness so they couldn’t sit down on the ground. I could totally see a large version of this being AWESOME for the elderly, and so simple to make! (Of course safety comes first, ENSURING it’s stable). Great for doffing shoes..to use OT terminology (we always said don or doff in our OT notes!)
Storing kid boots
Saw this in a daycare in Norway. So cool! Nice and efficient and manageable…all words we love in OT!
Friday give-away ends tonight
Last week's Friday give-away ends tonight at 11:59pm Pacific. You still have time to enter, and I highly recommend you do,
Me :)