Occupational Therapy
Still outpatient…..Tuesday and Wednesday will be challenging for me but I CAN HANDLE IT YO.
Finished third day outpatient, definitely learning a lot every day. Frustrated today because due to miscommunication – no one's fault – I ended up doing multiple forms for single evaluation when only one was needed – based on insurance. IE you do a Medicare 700 form (get used to that term) or you do a private insurance form. I was like ALL THIS DUPLICITY KILL ME NOW so I was relieved to discover it was accidental I did that and not something I'd have to keep doing!
First day shadowing outpatient…
I am totally applying, I'm excited at the possible opportunity. 🙂
Today was shadowing outpatient – one to two weeks there and then start with my own case load across town. Reviewed and saw modalities (need to sign up for a PAMCA course asap in Atlanta so I can be certified in thermal modalities myself), scar massage, PNF patterns, leuko-tape, median gliding exercises, an eval, goniometry….lots to review!
AOTA Announces Leadership Development Program for New Practitioners
The announcement calling for New Practitioner Applicants:
OT Advocacy
Was very impressed to see a great article called “Blogging for Advocacy” by Alece Kaplan in the July 27th, 2009 issue of OT Practice, www.otadvocacy.com. Alece wrote about how she used her blog to advocate for OT (getting redundant here I guess lol) and some of the experiences she had and the people she reached! It was very informative and I was impressed with her descriptions of blogging for a cause. Great job Alece 🙂
OT student life….lo
Hahaha it's funny because it's true…good post Kimberly (who is doing great in OT school!) Congrats. (And congrats to Wendy, Liberty, Carina, Kacey, and several others I'm blanking on, as they continue on their OT student journey…)
Life as an OTR/L is fun here in Warm Springs…
Well I continue to learn new things every day about evaluations, discharges, treatment ideas…tons of treatment ideas I've been writing down. Need to share, perhaps this weekend. Learning more about manual muscle testing, PROM, AROM, adaptive equipment, durable medical equipment, and so forth. Tomorrow is my last day inpatient – next week I start outpatient training, then week after that different (final placement) outpatient, but I'm guessing I'll still be around in various areas as needed for a while, I dunno. I love being an occupational therapist but I still feel very much like a student. I hang out with the students too.
OT schools similar, regardless of price?
Wrote a post on this recently, too lazy to relink, but here is another comment on it that came from a cross-post I did on OT Connections
A Comment has been posted to Transitioning from student to practitioner…: Opinion: Are all OT schools pretty similar? Cheap or expensive?:
I currently go to a fairly large university that is “moderately expensive”. What I mean by that is I have heard stories from former students whose total tuition topped out at like $80,000 and others who said they paid $22,000. I am not finished with school yet but have came to the conclusion after all my calculations that my tuition total after I graduate is about $37,000. I believe that most schools, expensive or not are the same. I mean, they all teach you the basic entry-level skills needed to pass the NBCOT and gain employment out in the field. So why bother with the $80,000 school when you can gain a similiar education at another school for $40,000 less? Just some food for thought. :o)
I'm not the only imposter syndrome poster child, haha
Jo says:
I still get that imposter feeling from time to time and I've been qualified 5 years. So does one of my nurse friends. We are waiting to be found out by our superiors that we don't know what we are doing. We do really know what we are doing but I think it's perfectly natural to doubt every now and then. It just means that you're developing and questioning how you do things.
Good luck with your new life in Warm Springs as an OT. I'm enjoying hearing all about it.
Jo (Community mental health OT, Northumberland, UK)
OT blog blizzard temporarily complete
I posted a bunch of posts today…the easiest ones I could….went to coffee shop with fast internet for first time since move….of course its 7 miles away and only open until 8pm..lol.better than nothing….went from 163 emails to deal with to about 115….hope to go back within next week and cross out another 30-40….didnt necessarily deal with them chronologically so much as how quickly i could deal with it/how much thinking was involved….so blog readers/commenters….have hope, I still have a bunch more to go. Most recent, a few much older ones 😡
i like this advice from a friend
“Here's my best advice in regard to dealing with loose ends – tie a knot and hang on!”