Occupational Therapy
Job searches..google searches…
I just googled my name to make sure that nothing crazy pops up. Not that I think there are crazy things up about me, but just making sure, yo.
:O jobs
A LOT going on in the world of job hunts! Two great possibilities with lots of pros and cons. Can't really post about it as both are in works and I need to be very careful, but know that things are going on actively behind the scenes and I'll be updating soon once I can say more!
job apps, job apps
I don't have a ton to share right now besides that I'm doing job applications! I am having to not be quite as picky!! I don't want to write anything about future interviews, I'm too scared!
Interesting article in Canadian Journal of OT…
Self-care, productivity, and leisure, or dimensions of occupational experience? Rethinking occupational “categories”
Karen Whalley Hammell
Background. Critics contend that occupational therapy’s theories of occupation are culturally specific, class-bound, and ableist, and that the division of all occupations into three simplistic categories of self-care, productivity, and leisure is arbitrary, lacks supportive evidence, and promotes a doctrine of individualism. Purpose. To add to the work of critics who advocate a fundamental rethinking of occupational therapy’s conceptualizations of occupation in terms of subjective qualities of experience that address intrinsic needs. Key issues. This paper suggests that if categories of occupation were informed by the ways in which people experience their occupations, these might be labelled as restorative, as ways to connect and contribute, as engagement in doing, and as ways to connect the past and present to a hopeful future. Implications. If occupational therapists enabled diverse clients’ perspectives to inform occupational categories, perhaps relationships between occupations and well-being might more easily be identified in theory and addressed in practice.
san diego
I am in San Diego visiting family, basically a big reunion since almost all members flew in for my aunt Cathy's wedding. Very fun. Have been enjoying the wonderful family, food, weather, and working on statistically enhancing the probability of future skin cancer by getting burnt to a crisp on the beach….it's nice to be just a few minutes away from a beach!!
Mail mail mail
230 emails to go through! A lot of those are blog comments I've received over the last few months and want to deal with! 🙂 (All positive ones…which I appreciate…thank you)
am i still alive?
was a comment. Yep, still alive. Busy. More soon!!
Goals schmoals!
I am a creature of habit and routine. I can thrive in a properly scheduled environment. However, a key element is that the scheduled environment has to be mandatory. Right now, I have a lot to do, but am having trouble with motivation. I'm struggling with the disappointment of discovering a magical job isn't going to land in my lap! I know that was an unrealistic expectation but I sure did have it!
Waiting waiting waiting…
I'm still waiting to hear back on some job opportunities. Trying to stay motivated! I am an official OTR/L now though, I got my TN licensure! That's pretty exciting!!
moving on…
It has been brought to my attention that I have not blogged in a few days. Oops.