6 Jan 2008

Occupational therapy OT OTS occupational therapy student OH PLEASE GOOGLE READ ME

I have neglected my OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY blog the last few days. I'm a bad, bad, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY STUDENT! I'm gonna go flagellate myself now! Just kidding, actually I'm about to go see A Tuna Christmas, which is a really funny play, with my friend Christa. I'm also going to be seeing some good friends of mine tonight for the first time in a while! My goals for the night include finishing off my thank you cards, Christmas cards to Norway, making up my campaign flyer for ASD (vote for me vote for me vote for me!), doing dishes, cleaning up, etc etc etc. I should probably go buy some food too, seeing as how I have milk but no cereal, cheese but no crackers or bread, a single orange with way too many seeds, etc. Anyway, that was really boring to share, but now my to do list is written out so HA HA HA IN YOUR FACE.

Wow, that was INAPPROPRIATE! As Rosemary, one of our professors, would say. I need to go get ready for the play, but my other major TO DO thing tonight is to catch up on the first few days of OT school, and post some pictures! I need to get back into favor with Google rankings! Oh you googly goddess, please put me back in the top of your searches! I feel so lost and alone hovering in cyberspace!

The Happiest OT aka Occupational Therapy Student in the World
Because OT aka Occupational Therapy is So cool
Because OT aka Occupational Therapy is a good Google search
Because Google loves OT aka Occupational Therapy
And because Google wants its spiders to find OT aka Occupational Therapy
Forever and ever, world with out end. Occupational therapy.

PS2: I have a bunch of sweet reader e-mails to respond to tonight too!! I love you guys so much!! Even though I don't know you at all!!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

5 Jan 2008

You know you want to join AOTA!

Hey OT Students!

You know you want to join AOTA! The American Occupational Therapy Association is there for YOUUUUUUUUUUU.

Ways AOTA helps you:

  • Discounted texts through aota.org
  • Scholarships
  • Discounts for Conference
  • Access to necessary periodicals like AJOT
  • Lots of online resources
  • Opportunity to do fieldwork at AOTA
  • Latest OT news
  • Lots of other ways

Ways it helps AOTA to have your support:

  • Lets them represent our profession to policymakers AND the public, protecting our profession!
  • Helps you prepare for your new career
  • Helps them become a stronger organization to cater to our needs

Ways it helps Karen Dobyns:


**This information (minus the part on me) is an informal paraphrase of a promotional mail I got that was sent out by Fred Somers, Executive Director of AOTA. So this is basically his material but I am just repeating it to try to get you guys to realize why you should join AOTA***

A, O, T, A!
Makes you want to part-AY!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2

5 Jan 2008

MOHO taters

Does MOHO remind any of you guys of mashed potatoes? I have no idea why.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

4 Jan 2008

We are officially back to class…MOT Class of 2009, baby.

Some of the incoming MOT Class of 2010 as well as a few of my classmates (2009) met at Huey's downtown last night…they had their first day of orientation yesterday. Today was our first day of class…my to-do list for tomorrow involves several posts here about the last few days + AOTA stuff…get excited.


Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2

2 Jan 2008

MOT Class of 2010 starts today! Awww their new faces…

The new MOT Class of 2010 starts today!! I'm going to be a tour guide along with a few other OTS girls so I better go shower and get ready….yes it's after 11am…sleeping in is heavenly. It's going to be so cute to see their scared little faces! I remember being so awed last year when I was the baby student…now we get to help them ourselves…the circle of life…la la la…anyway…tomorrow my class starts school and it's just a two hour guest speaker! Nice easy start! Good thing too because I have ten million errands and a half to do! And I'm not even exaggerating!

Happy 2008, people…time to get back into the groove of things. That means reading blogs regularly again. Like mine. Since I'll be updating regularly again. Cough. Hint. Subliminal message.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 2

1 Jan 2008

I'm an angry passionary about OT right now

I've had somewhat of a rough December (even though it's also been restful and great), long story, so I haven't gotten things done like I should have. I now have a to-do list that is literally over 50 items long. Not counting the many thank-you cards to write, or the fact that I still haven't sent (or written) my Christmas cards to Norway. Oops. lol.  Augh! I'm slogging through the list though. I had written down a few things I wanted to at least briefly mention.

1) I'm a “passionary” about OT! I read that word in Reader's Digest or something and it made me laugh. It's a good one. Passionate + visionary = passionary

2) Again in Reader's Digest (I'm an 80 year old at heart, so sue me), they ALWAYS have these articles on like soldiers or sick people going through these horrible events and then eventually being okay again. But their whole painful struggle of rehab to get to that point is NEVER mentioned for more than a single line. It makes me mad!! They should give lots more kudos to Rehab than they do! Yes it is technically the patient/client/consumer who leads the way and does all the hardest work, but it seems like their journey toward healing deserves more than a single sentence. The End.

Ok. I'm done. Now I can cross this off my list.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: 1