2 May 2008

OT RAP for OT month

I got this via e-mail, it’s awesome….”Hello…my name is Natalia and I’m a second year OT student at San Jose State in California. Some of my classmates made an OT rap that they posted on Youtube to promote OT during Occupational Therapy month and I would love if you could post the link of your blog to help spread the OT love!”

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

2 May 2008

New and Improved, Shorter, Miss OTPF Pageant

Here is the new and improved 9.5 minute version of the pageant. All extra seconds deleted + all the runway walks sped up.

Thanks Orli, Thanks Neal, thanks UT Memphis girls!! Thanks OTPF!!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008

Babies babies babies…

I held babies the other day. It was a Monday morning and the census was the lowest I've ever seen – it seemed like half the rooms were empty and/or had parents visiting, which is also somewhat unusual for weekdays. I was hoping to get to follow the OT although I did not want to bother her. I wandered around for a while, but there really weren't any suitable babies. I ended up approaching a SLP and asked if I could follow her for a while, explaining I am an OT student. She didn't have much luck either. She finally got approval to see a baby in an isolette, the giraffe bed things where there are portholes but the top can be lifted up. The baby is awake and this was awesome. Unfortunately, right then, the ophthalmologist showed up, with bizarre magnifiers clipped to her glasses.

She had the SLP hold the baby's arms down above her head (to keep her from struggling) and I held the baby against her feet/knees to provide some boundaries/comfort. She put a few drops in the baby's eyes to numb them and then SHE PUT A CLAMP IN THE EYES TO KEEP THEM OPEN IT WAS LIKE REALLY FREAKY AUGH it made me wince. She was using like a pokey prod thingie on the baby's eyeballs and magnifiers and lights to get her data as the baby screamed and screamed. I have a hard time watching this. Ugh.

I love me some babies though!! Two of the MOT I's are going to start holding babies too!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008


I am officially a volunteer (one of MANY) for the Triennial Airport Emergency Drill on XX date!!! I’ll be a casualty! With victim makeup! And probably lying on the ground! And possibly transported to a local hospital where they continue the farce! Craziness! My heart rate will probably be like, 400 BPM because I’ll be freaking out (this is gonna be a challenge for me, anxiety-wise but I think I can handle it) and they will be like “Yo Bob, this chick is on cocaine or something because her heart rate is insane” and I’ll be like “NO ITS BECAUSE THIS IS FRIKKEN SCARY OMG AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AND OH YEAH I HAVE A GIANT HOLE IN MY STOMACH DUE TO THE CRASH” …..speaking of OMG, I saw the license plate “LIKEOMG” this morning. LOL.

Ok I’m going to go now. Bye!!
PS: If any of you find any first-hand descriptions of being like a volunteer for something like this please let me know, I couldn’t find any.
PS2: Maybe the field of emergency makeup will be changed after my OTS intervention. Kidding, kidding. Totally kidding.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008


Wow! I was looking up “sugar gliders” since I’ve been fascinated by them since I saw them at a flea market recently. I’m killing about 20 minutes before I leave for Tai Chi. Anyway, I stumbled across an article on self-mutilation! Sugar gliders self mutilate at times when sick or unhappy! Craziness!!

I’m headed to Tai Chi in a few moments…then Bingo is tonight. Also, Orli, famed awesome Orli, has cut the pageant from 17 minutes to about 9.5, so it can be put on YouTube! YAY!!!!!!!!! She is a whiz with Windows Movie Maker and I’m sooo jealous! New version coming by early next week!!

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008

Low Vision Lab 2

Today we first learned about things like diopters and F = 1/D and myopia and hyperopia and all sorts of crazy things. Then we visited Orli's office where there were 9 stations set up for tasks using various devices to help with low vision including CCTV, magnifying glasses, special glasses, binoculars, reading lamps, etc. Allison wrote a check under the CCTV (which makes it large) for a billion dollars, from me to her, for being her friend. 🙁 So I wrote her one back from Orli, for five dollars, to me, for having such a sucky friend like Allison. Grrr.

Anyway it was fun 🙂

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008

Low Vision Lab 1

Orli, our Low Vision Rehab Specialist Extraordinaire of the World and I can't Spell Sorry, did a lab with us where we used a lot of goggles simulating low vision (vision bad even with correction). We had to do activities in them including take the elevators. LOL.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008

I don't know why

This is my late grandmother, Joan. My mom is over on the right in the little dress. Joan had a PhD and was really really smart. I’m not nearly as smart but I think I’m kind of like her in general. But she would be the last person on Earth to be an occupational therapist, she was into hard science. I don’t know why I’m posting this besides that it popped up first on my Picasa screen and I felt like it. So there.

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Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008

Completely random brambles that make heads explode

What I am working on:

Preparing Semester 3 PDEs (Professional Development Evaluations) with Intermediate Professional Behavior Criteria

Modifying my resume to be OT-related

Working on condensing the research paper into smaller poster-sized chunks, with my research group (Abstract, Intro done)

Preparing a 15 minute presentation on the healthcare policy ramifications of the Terri Schiavo case, and how it relates to occupational therapy.

Working on collaborative paper with an OTS dude on the East Coast for hopeful eventual publication in a baby OT magazine.

Uploading months of OT pictures to Facebook for people to use in their PDEs

Doing a low vision blog entry + like other entries I have neglected because I’m a bad, bad OT student.

Realistically, I should do the Low Vision Blog Entry, fix the Abstract/condense Intro of Sitting Tai Chi paper, start researching Terri Schiavo, and modifying my resume. I need to scratch a few things off my list in full tonight!! Hmm!! La la la….

Today I met a MOT 3 student, Mandi, for lunch to catch up…she is getting ready to take her boards. OTS Brooke and her boyfriend Todd showed up shortly after, so we sat at adjoining tables. Then we had a low vision lab from 1 to 3pm. Then instead of being productive or socially active, I slept for hours, showered, then drove to Kerri’s to cat-sit. Her cat was love-starved and I’m kitty-deprived so it’s a good match. I decided I’m feeling antisocial today so I didn’t try and meet up with anyone, especially since I’m trying to get things off my to do list!!!

Tomorrow we have a healthcare policy class 10am to noon, then several of us are going to take gym classes, then I have to go to sitting Tai Chi at the assisted living facility at 3pm. And then I volunteer there at Bingo at 630 so I’m going to go to that too. And then Kerri gets home 9pmish and I’ll spend the night just for fun! So tomorrow will be social. 🙂

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none

1 May 2008

Volunteering at the Alzheimers Day Center

I recently went back to volunteer at the place I did my Level I fieldwork for two weeks. Of course none of the participants “remembered” me in a “Hi where have you been?” kind of sense, but they were warm and friendly and knew somehow I wasn’t a stranger. I enjoyed walking around spending time with them. I also fell right back into “therapeutic fibs”, which tickle me. lol.

One sweet lady, let’s call her Julie, said to me:
Miss Julie: “I’m looking for my black pants. These ones I’m wearing are nice, but they aren’t mine.”

Me: I’ll go check for you, I’ll be right back. ::disappears, confirms those are in fact her only pants, comes back::

Me: Hi Miss Julie, I just checked on your pants. They are in the washing machine and should be ready soon.

Miss Julie: Oh my I hope they don’t get lost.

Me: Oh, it will be fine Miss Julie. They have a wonderful labeling system.

Miss Julie: Okay, great then, thanks.

Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none