Occupational Therapy
Job interview thought process
Some of the questions I wanted to ask when I was job interviewing within a hospital….
weekend rotation
how many pts a day
common diagnoses
continuing ed support/reimbursement
teamwork between OTs/PTs here
rotating diff teams and units?
typical salary/benefits????
how big is the department?
what skill set do OTs need?
OTs in Mental Health
I need to see if my friend Brooke, who works in Mental Health as an OT at a prestigious location, would post something on mental health OT! I saw this comment and wanted to re-post it and ask if I have any mental health OT readers! I loved my mental health rotation even though it was challenging and even scary at times. I need to revisit it in my brain and see what else I can post!
Mel writes:
Hey! I’m an occupational therapist in Montreal and I found your blog a couple of years ago when I first graduated. I’ve been working in mental health for the last 3 years with adults who have psychosis or mood disorders. I agree that there aren’t that many OTs working in mental health and there’s even fewer who blog about it so I was really excited with your post. I think as OTs we definitely have more to offer than assessing cognitive levels. I think the values of our profession and our ability to analyze activity allow us to assist this population in their rehabilitation and recovery. Although I often struggle with defining (and defending) my role in psychiatry, I think we play an important part in helping them reintegrate into the community and redefine themselves.
Matthew, a UK OT asks about Fieldwork placement…
Matthew asks:
Not sure if this is appropriate to ask for input from your readers as I don’t know if you have many from the UK but we are looking to offer an internship / placement opportunity to prospective OT students and would love to get any feedback around what would be the most helpful way of structuring this to make sure we give the students the most benefit:
Any feedback from your readers would be fabulous and well done once again and hope it all goes well.
Tips to Incoming OT Students? Anything to add?
I was asked recently (by an enthusiastic Klaudia) if I had any updates to my “Tips to Incoming MOT Students”, seeing as how I wrote that in month into OT school and now I’ve been out for several years. http://otstudents.blogspot.com/2007/04/tips-to-incoming-mot-students.html, and so I re-read it and decided….that first of all, wow, I wrote that in April of 2007, so this is five years later, zomg. 🙂 I feel crazy old. But you know what? All those tips are still true. I don’t think I have any new ones to add – the ones about being flexible and remembering the OT world is small (so watch the gossip) are probably the most valid. Anybody else have thoughts on the matter? New ones to add?
Updated my sidebar with new (to me) OT blogs
- Linda at http://www.lindasdailylivingskills.com has some really thorough and insightful blog posts on OT!
Dani, who says “Oh, add mine, add mine! I'm an OT student in the UK in my second year. It's not entirely about OT, but about my life learning in general.” http://www.munchkinandflan.com
Tink who is about to become an OT student, http://tink343-unistudentlife.blogspot.com/
- Mendel, with a really thought-provoking site at http://kidsatthought.com/
Don't forget to check out TherapyFunZone http://www.therapyfunzone.com/ which has great stuff (I saw she very recently posted some new ideas!) and I am also loving OT in Public Schools http://otinpublicschools.blogspot.com/
I recommend using Google Reader or some other RSS reader so that you know when new posts come in, all in one spot, rather than having to go check each blog individually. I love Google Reader. 🙂
Nurse in Haiti
My cousin is a nurse who recently went to Haiti to help out for a week. She wrote us two mails – here is one and hopefully I will find the other one. I also know an OT friend who went to Haiti a few months after the earthquake and I am hoping she will share some of her experiences here! I just asked her. 🙂 I know this is an OT blog and not a nursing one, but hey, it's healthcare, so good to see the perspective!
SpongeBob washing + OT month in Times Square!
Basically I am going through months of mail including newsletters, emails from former co-workers, blog comments, e-mails, etc, hence the massive posts right now as I try to clear through the mailbox – I still have 76 new mails + over a 1,000 to go through. 🙁 Anyway, two random bits
1) During this month (OT MONTH! APRIL IS OT MONTH!), Times Square in NYC is running an advertisement for OT EVERY HOUR! That is CRAZY! Have any of you seen this? 🙂 Definitely high-def.
2) A former-coworker/supervisor/physical therapist wrote me to tell me that one of my OT ideas is still a hit for the child to do while in PT! I got a turkey baster from the dollar store, filled a bin with water, and then the child “washes” SpongeBob using the turkey baster – I had a SpongeBob PotatoHead that likes to be washed! I left him in my former clinic because he was so popular. Anyway – so – idea – have the child use a turkey baster to “wash” their favorite toy. It works on the child's hand strength and a little on sequencing – so it can be an OT tool by itself, or it can turn into a PT tool if the child is using it as an engrossing activity while working on standing/kneeling/whatever! 🙂
I love OT, yes I do…..
I love this!
One of my blog readers/now Facebook friends/current OT student/current OT student blogger, who I will label “M”, wrote me to let me know one of her classmates found my blog by googling “I love OT”. And then that classmate discovered through my sidebar that “M” had a blog too! Small world. I LOVE that my blog was found by googling “I love OT”. And I love that M's classmate googled that in the first place. 🙂
Hey, speaking of loving OT….
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJRIVUOtCzs this was our Miss OTPF pageant from 2008, one of our silly OT contestants was a cheerleader who cheers about OT spirit. 🙂
Fun & Function – SPD blogger network
Can y'all tell I am on a blogging blizzard tonight? At the expense of my taxes of course. But I have felt really guilty about getting so behind on responding to blog reader e-mail/comments etc, and I am finally opening up months worths of newsletters. Fun & Function has a good newsletter and Facebook page and I just learned about the SPD blogger network through them. http://www.spdbloggernetwork.com/about/
Check it out and also check out Fun & Function (google it!). 🙂 It will be helpful for OT/OT students alike.
Tips from a school OT :)
I am copy/pasting tips from an e-mail I got recently from a school OT I will name “L”! Great ideas/thoughts that she gave, as always use at your own risk!
One of the things I have been loving lately are mechanical pencils. They are wonderful tools for those students who push too hard on their pencil or their pencil is never sharp. Some teachers only allow sharpening 3 pencils at the beginning of the day and then that is it. Unfortunately, the students I see need sharp pencils! This also isn't as nice to chew on as wood pencils-although if there is a will there is a way!
I also use the rubber tubing at the top of pencils for a chewy section. I used to glue them in when they didn't seem to fit right, however I found just wrapping the pencil with tape can provide enough diameter to make the chewy part stay put.
I love adapted paper and carry it with me practically everywhere. I keep it in a binder tucked in sheet protectors and refill when I am in the office. I also put screening tools in there and freebies off of the HWT website-like the sheet that tells how to form all the letters appropriately.
Planning and scheduling can be very difficult-I work in small school districts so I hit one school district Monday through Thursday. At the beginning of the year I set up a schedule for the students on IEP's and try to work around activities as much as possible. What is difficult is I think in days of the week, so when it is Tuesday and I forgot something on Monday, I am not going to remember it until next Monday-probably when I am already at the school. I just purchased a Samsung Galaxy S and am using for my calendar and notes and whatnot. I still have a hard planner and write things down in there as well.