Occupational Therapy
OT Moments of the Day…
The Cool (and Mobile) Factor: iPad Use in the OT Clinic [Article contributed by WebPT.com]
Let your kids make mistakes!

My 30th Birthday Wish List of Awesomeness Which Includes Lots of OT Stuff.
I have been stressed and working super hard lately and then had a busy weekend with a lovely wedding and baby shower (both wonderful, but tiring!) and this morning I did nothing but play online and get inspiration, therapeutic relaxation, and excitement as I added like a thousand things to my Amazon wish list for my 30th birthday coming up in a few weeks. It’s a combination of OT stuff for my kids, unicorns, sparkles, glitter, etc etc. Miss Awesomeness is sparkly, I can’t help it. I was made that way. ย I’m not sharing as a hint for gifts since 99% of you who read this don’t really know me (but if you have like a million dollars lying around, feel free) but because I do have a ton of OT stuff on there I want that may jog your own memories or ideas for OT stuff (kind of near the end of wish list) that I just haven’t gotten around to sharing on the blog. And it gives you valuable insight into my insane personality. I blame my mother. Just sayin’. ๐
I also just took a lot of image captures on my computer as I got ideas for new crafts and projects. Some for my own “occupational balance” that just make me happy, and others for my OT kiddos…
PS: I typically write up a few posts at a time and schedule them throughout the week. So I have a few going up that were pre-scheduled, but I haven’t forgotten about all the things I have left to do. I guess I can’t say “I didn’t have the time” since I just admitted I spent like 3 hours staring at unicorns and rainbows. But how about “I didn’t make the time right now because I’ve been working so much that I desperately needed to do something solely for my own enjoyment and while I do love blogging and OT so much, sometimes it still doesn’t count as “me” time”, and I like run on sentences, and the end”
Blast from the past…
I was reading some old emails from 2009 and found some personal e-mails with a good friend/mentor of mine…from my first few months as an OT. Wow, I had a lot to review/learn about on a daily basis back then. Gotta pull up more from those archives to share for all you peeps who don't care about school based or peds OT ๐
Days of our OT Lives are Spinning Rapidly…
I've been working quite literally about 12-15 hours a day at least five days a week if not more, so um, to say it in an understated way, I AM SUPER SUPER STRESSED and EXHAUSTED…
Alien hat aka colander and pipe cleaners
I originally saw this idea on Pinterest, putting pipe cleaners into colanders. My OT kids love it because I call them “alien hats” and they get to put it on for a second when they are done. Be wary of the metal sharp pieces poking through if they put it on their head, be careful. But they beg for me to bring alien hat for one of their quick non-academic fine motor breaks.
"Enjoying Halloween with Sensory Challenges"
The Blue Ghost or Starfish :)
Centipede shoes
I got these cool giant centipede creepy crawlers from the dollar store, and I potentially want my kids to put on his shoes. But what can be his shoes? I tried “sip stick straws” but they were too wide so they fell off too easily. I need something even smaller. I need to see if I can get my hands on those very tiny stirrer straws. Any other ideas for good small shoes? I guess I should find my beads.ย