Awesome goodbye party
It's 230am….everybody was at the goodbye party between 730 and 830, and there were still 6 of us there as of 130am…she lives 25 miles away but add 15 miles to that because I got lost on two different roads – I have such a hard time with direction reversals – and extra fun were the occasional harsh winds of residual hurricane – oh and the dead armadillo i went over – anyway – everybody bought presents, there was lots of alcohol, and lots of laughter. Very fun. I was NOT expecting presents at all – but I got some awesome pediatric OT therapy supplies!!! And a few other cool things, more details later when it's not almost 3am! Very very kind and sweet and generous of them all.
My co-workers are sweet as can be! Yay!
Sep 14, 2008 | Category: Occupational Therapy | Comments: none