Occupational Therapy
This post is especially aimed at my long-term readers, a “please help me network/connect”. (I got the idea because of a really awesome OT in Ohio who offered me a job in her private practice!)
So……it's easy to find a job in occupational therapy as a new grad. If you want to work in tiny rural towns or work in most physical dysfunction settings (ie rehab hospital) or a nursing home.
The kind of job I want, especially since I'm picky about location, is NOT so easy.
My ideal job would be working with hospitalized babies under 1 years of age, like in step-down NICU units. My second ideal job would be working within pediatric oncology. My third ideal job would be geriatric mental health and/or anxiety/depression mental health and/or pediatric mental health- in other words, mental health with populations unlikely to kill me. My fourth ideal job would be inpatient peds with a lot of mentorship.
ANYWAY…those are the jobs hard to find, period, especially as a new grad. I think any of those jobs I could handle with just a little mentorship at first as I'm relatively intuitive with peds and mental health! I have glowing recommendation letters and lots of written documentation attesting to my (mostly) sparkling abilities in those areas!
I'd like to target Tennessee, North Carolina, and California, as my first choices of states, but would consider elsewhere, although states with harsh winter climates/firmly on the East Coast, kinda stress me out!
Any thoughts on where to look besides AOTA.org, monster.com, etc? A friend recommended getting a LinkedIn profile, I'll try that.
Or better yet, anybody who has read this blog long-term, want to network/connect me to someone who can help?!?! I'd adore you forever.
Time to pound the limestone or hit the pavement or whatever
I got up and walked with my landlord & his dog at SIX THIRTY AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOCKING. BEYOND BELIEF. I AM NOT KIDDING.
Moving on. I need to do laundry, prep for some errands, and I think I'll try and hit LeBonheur if they'll accept me (ie no overload of volunteers, I doubt it though), and then I'm meeting OT classmate Virginia in the afternoon to do the LACLS with her (the leather lacing assessment) since she might be doing that soon for real and I had 3 months of practice on my geriatric psychosocial rotation. Then tonight there is a birthday dinner. If I stay up all day and stay active, maybe I'll actually be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, AND THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.
Hoping for a good awake day!! Naps are luscious but so evil. Lester is snorkling as he grooms himself after a tasty meal of pureed mush that he gets on his EYEBROWS because he is such a mess. He needs oral motor intervention…from God I guess.
Ok. Stop procrastinating. LAUNDRY. Oh the pain.
What is an FAOTA? (Fellow)
An FAOTA informally explains:
you ask! Actually, the FAOTA is an honorary designation that basically
means the person has served the profession on a national level; typically
for an extended period of time. (It's basically a “workhorse” designation!)
For all you've put on the web, it looks like you're a workhorse, Karen! The
FAOTA folks provide a lot of volunteer service on a national level; does
that sound like fun to you? (I bet it does!) I guess there's also an
expected level of quality there, too…. ie…it indicates quality and
quantity of service AOTA has a system of weighing services provided.
Typically, individuals are nominated by submitting all sorts of information
on the service/experience of the person. I don't know what the list looks
like these days, but when I was nominated, you'd get 1 point for every year
you reviewed proposals for annual conference, and a point for every national
task force, and a couple of points if you (suffered….lol) as the CHAIR of
a task force, etc…. So, there was a sort of RVU system used; total
points determined if you would be designated a Fellow. It is kind of fun to
meet others who are FAOTAs, because you know you are meeting someone who is
“sold out” to the service of the profession.
The best way to get involved is by hanging with people who are involved in
AOTA. Watch the publications for opportunities to serve. Let others who
are active in AOTA know about your willingness to serve. Contact the chair
of the SIS you most have a heart for, and offer to serve. Ohhhh….there's
lots to do!”
Flash to Monty Python's I'm not dead, I swear…
I haven't had any ideas on what to write lately. I still have more catch up to do on the blog when the urge strikes again to do some work, but other than that, I'm not doing anything OT-related besides studying for the NBCOT exam coming up. A lot of my friends have gotten jobs in the 40-70K range, with most in the 50K range. The 40K ones tend to be pediatrics, boo. Oh well. We've also noticed that the higher the pay, the more likely it is to be somewhat of a sucky job. 😡
Okay…well…catching up very very slowly….studying for exams…that's about it for now, sorry to abandon you, bloggie.
Best compliment EVER
Someone awesome – related to my OT life – wrote me and said:
“Every time time I see you it reminds me of that Dr S[uess]'s “OH THE PLACES YOU WILL GO””
I sure hope so!! Watch out President Penny, you're GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The AOTA president is amazing, actually. She's really big into mental health and she is a very articulate and passionate speaker. I enjoyed seeing her talk last year at conference and have been impressed with her writing. Plus she's working hard to make OT Connections a success! Among a million other things.
AOTA conference is in Houston TX this weekend. Since I got that 1,000 dollar scholarship recently I thought about splurging to go to conference, but I am a bridesmaid in a wedding and am booked Friday/Saturday. Oh well, maybe next year!!!!!!!
I can't wait to hear all about AOTA conference!!
Hey, y'all pray for Lester the lion kitty. He's a mess! Feeding intervention has taken place successfully though witha downgrade in wet food status, he is now taking a lovely (and by lovely I mean revolting) puree.
More blog posts soon, still lots to put up before I'm caught up on life.
I got stuff to write. Soon. In the meantime, here is OT classmate Kerri terrorizing my cat. She was helping me trim him up. Carefully.
Compliments, thoughts, ideas….
I'm WAY WAY WAY behind on this, but here is step 1….some compliments, thoughts and ideas from e-mail/comments over the last month that I have appreciated (I have more to put up but I grabbed these first). I also have a few to do on questions asked, websites recommended, etc…but figured I'd get this first one up tonight and try and get more done over next few days. I am determined to get everything off my blogging to do-list sometime soon since I have been putting it off for like half a year :X
One reason I share the comments/emails publicly is because I want to encourage other people to blog, and to show the kind of things you get as a blogger – praise, questions, ideas, help, thoughts…it's fun! I've just been so bad about responding/sharing in reasonable time!!
==============Adam Chilvers has left a new comment on your post “Volunteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeering…it all helps with O…“:
I did some volunteeeeeeering with the British Red Cross. They are constantly looking for volunteers to work within medical loans. It's a great opportunity for OT's to gain experience interviewing clients and assessing what equipment they may need to help them with function. Give it a go.
Annie says: yay!!! congrats Karen!!
I look forward to your articles on prepping for boards and such!
Soon you'll need to change your blog name to OTR (B)e(LO)n(G)!!
Jules says: Just stumbled upon this blog by chance, but it's great and your experiences are similar to mine, currently a Rehab Assistant looking to start OT training later this year. I too love just hanging out with the patients, listening to their stories and having a laugh with them. Good luck with your studies I will be following your blog. Jules
Natupiano says: Keep belonging!
I loved to read about it.
Stuart,OT student Uganda
hayyy Karen! My name is Person Y and i just loooovvvvve your blogs! I also want to become an Occupational Therapist..only im just a freshman in college. I go to X College in Y State – they have a bs/ms program. I really want to get in..but everyone says its harrrrd. (i spoke to some OT students). i think i can do it though.
o Yea i also wanted to say that when i read your blogs, i actually take note of some things that i think can help me when im an OT student… soooo keep writing!
(Comment on a review I wrote about the book Ordinary Miracles)
Annie says: Hi I know it a long time since you posted that review- but I just found it, rather serendipitously & wanted to make a comment. Debbie saw it a pretty chicken soupy, too – but was thrilled at the idea of getting OT out there in any way she could- she later collaborated with a nursing colleague on a second version for nurse- published in 2008 I think. She was really quite an amazing woman- and for me a great mentor and colleague, literally saving my life. Sadly, after a struggle that lastesd 2 years beyond what docotors predicted, Debbie died of a brain tumor in 2006. Very best wishes too you in your new career- I hope you continue to raise a fuss- Debbie would love that!
Buckeyebrit has left a new comment on your post “almost done with fieldwork…“:
Hey! Your posts are so interesting. makes me think about the differences between OT in the UK and the UK. Over here we haven't got the “billable” item pressure (yet) which I believe allows therapists greater flexibility to engage in a way we feel is appropriate rather than have to worry about whether it can be charged for.
I also really like the bit about how you use your age to relate to the client group. A really positive example of “therapeutic use of self” when youth can sometimes be a barrier in practice (from the POV of patients wondering if you have enough experience etc)
Professional dress….my underwear always shows :(
From a OT AOTA newsletter….
Dress for Success: What Should OT Students and Clinicians Wear?
OT Connections member Diana Davis posted a blog about professional dress codes for OT university students. At the university where Davis is a professor, OT students are required to adhere to a dress code, and the blog post led to an interesting discussion about acceptable dress for students and clinicians. A dress code in college can teach students good habits about professional dress—which does not include pajama pants or flip flops—but it can be hard to enforce. What do you think? If you’re a clinician, do you think a dress code is important? Read the blog and add comments.
My personal experiences: My underwear/back would ALWAYS show…there are like a thousand pictures of my underwear sticking out of my pants, floating around on Facebook, that my classmates took!!! Needless to say that look doesn't fly professionally. I have a long torso and I couldn't understand why my polos/khakis just didn't come together right!! Anyway, I finally went to Target and got those packages of male whiteundershirt tanktops that are really cheap. Those are really long so I just wear them underneath tucked in and that keeps anybody from seeing anything! Please they are form-fitting/thin fabric so I wouldn't get too hot. Those tank tops saved my life on my geriatric psych rotation as I was dealing with showers and all sorts of contortions!!
I got a letter from UT about becoming a member of the Alpha Eta Society, a national honor society for allied health professionals. It costs $15 to join. I'm always wary about societies that want money! Y'all think it's worth it? I guess it's cool to have it on the resume, but have no idea if it's like, prestigious, or one of those crap kinda things where you get invited if you showed up to class once in thirty years. It LOOKS like you have to have a 3.8 or above at the very least, but not sure if that was specific to a random school or in general.
I've been messing way too much on Facebook tonight.
Had a pretty good couple of days overall…don't feel like writing much else for now I guess. It turns out I can't interview for my special hope/dream job until after I pass boards which is at hopefully only about a month away, so I am SOMEWHAT playing the waiting game for now. Not really though because I am using the time to investigate/explore job options, study for boards, volunteer, and possibly take a crash immersion course in Spanish for health professionals, we'll see.
Ok I've hit my limit for the night. Good night.